Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Yo! If you're reading this and you're my friend, comment on what type of souvenirs I should get. Something uniquely Korean(culturally), something really cute you can't find in the states, skincare/makeup stuff (it really advanced here apparently?), cute tops, cellphone charms, key chains, hello kitty everything, jewelry, lunch boxes, food, celebrity stuff (which ones), a girlfriend/boyfriend, soju (:P), etc...

I have some things already but I'm just wondering what you guys would like


  1. hello kitty anything!! [phone charm, key chains, stuffed animal, shirts, pjs!!]

    cute tops plz~

    a 2pm poster! or dbsk poster! or SHINee poster! etc etc :)


    i'd really like a pj set though. i've never had one. and if it's cute, that's just a bonus. i have total faith in your fashion sense.

  2. cuz you steal everything from me lol

    ok. pj's it is for you then. i'll buy a ton of stuff for you cuz you like what i like BFFF! :D

  3. Cliff wants you to go to a Starcraft match and take a picture with Bisu [or any player], which is one of his favorite players, and send it to him.

    Oh and also, if you're in front of a camera, WAVE and flash peace signs at the camera! And remember what the name of the players are. And the place.

    Cliff shall be waiting.
